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Also known as: Boys Over Flowers
Genre: Romance & Comedy
Broadcasted by: KBS2
Main Cast:
Ku Hye Seon- Guem Jandi
Lee Minho- Gu Jun Pyo
Kim Hyun Joong- Yoon Ji hoo
Kim Bum- So Yi Jung
Kim Joon- Song Woo Bin
Kim so Eun- Chu Ga Eul (Jandi’s best friend)


Boys Before Flowers is a drama about a young girl named Geum JanDi overcoming hardships at 
school and at home. Her family owns a drycleaners shop that is wellknown but don’t make 
much money.One day she was delivering a pair of clothes for the person who ordered it so,
she ended up saving his life, because of Shinwa’s F4 group he was tortured and wanted to 
commit suicude.This caused rumors to go around about Shinwa High. It caused such a ruckus 
that soon she was invited to Shinwa high with a swimming scholarship. Her parents agreed 
to let her go to this famous school but she wasn’t sure it was the right thing to do. She 
made her first friend at that school.[that later betrayed her in the movie]Jandi and her 
friends were enjoying some ice cream outside when her friend accidently dropped some ice 
cream on the famous Gu Jun Pyo’s shoe.The battle then began between Guem Jandi & F4’s Gu 
Jun Pyo. Jandi was bullied at school everyday... Later in the movie Gu Junpyo and Guem 
Jandi’s love begin to blossom!!